
To be the largest international media group serving the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people through partnership efforts


Palestine International Forum for Media and Communications (PMF) is an independent media organization aiming to enhance coordination between the international media organizations to promote Palestinian narrative through various means. It also facilitates the exchange of content and encourages media outlets to interact with the Palestinian cause and its developments in an objective and professional manner

Our Goals

Developing Media Work

Attending to developing media work for the cause of Palestine by interchanging media experiences and training; as well as, encouraging specialized media work serving the Cause of Palestine

Promoting Media Production

Promoting media production specializing in Palestine and giving organizations a chance to present and market their media productions related to Palestine

Beneficial Dialogue

Providing opportunities for beneficial dialogue, objective evaluation, and constructive criticism regarding the various media experiences; to help improve and guide media performance regarding Palestine

Encouraging Creativity

Launching media initiatives to encourage journalists’ creativity and media productions that benefit the Cause of Palestine


Providing a platform for communication and cooperation between the forum’s attendees and media circles in a manner that serves the Cause of Palestine

Coordinating Efforts

Coordinating media efforts for the sake of the cause of Palestine, as well as, encouraging joint media projects and programs with the aims of sharing the true Palestinian narrative


International Forums

Participating in international forums to exchange information and ideas; and conducting visits to friend clubs to build bridges of communication with them in order to enhance the presence of the Palestinian cause in the media

Media Workshops

Media Initiatives

Research & Studies


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